Processes where ultrafast pulses and ultra high peak power combined with high power, stability and reliability are of advantage will benefit from the Femtosource scientific XL says Femtolasers
The Femtosource scientific XL 500 is the flagship of an entirely novel family of high power ultrafast laser systems.
This laser system will revolutionize many applications by offering a unique combination of laser output parameters.
An output energy level exceeding 0.5uJ and a pulse duration of less than 50fs in combination with a repetition rate of greater than 5MHz yields an unprecedented average power level of >2.5W and >10MW of peak power.
The centre wavelength is 800nm.
Based on patented dispersive mirror technology, in combination with proprietary chirped pulse oscillator (CPO) technology, the Femtosource scientific XL represents a crossover between ultrafast oscillators and ultrafast amplifier systems, combining the advantages of both technologies, while omitting their disadvantages.
The CPO technology is based on ultrafast oscillator technology, making complex Q-switched pump lasers, extensive cooling, high voltage and E-O switches obsolete.
As a result, the system offers an excellent stability, user friendliness, line to laser output efficiency and compactness.
The temperature-stabilised laser head dimensions are 1240x540x208mm.
Applications include materials processing, THz generation, spectroscopy and many others in the demanding scientific environment.
Ask for beam steering options including dispersive mirrors (DM), to make sure that laser pulses arrive undistorted at the target.