Hach Ultra introduces the Total Package Oxygen (TPO) calculation function to all Orbisphere 510 portable instruments
Hach Ultra says the Orbisphere 510 is the only product today in the beverage market that offers on-board TPO calculation.
TPO is known to be crucial in beverage measurements to ensure optimal freshness for the final product.
TPO calculation has never been easier.
This added advantage will simplify any operator's job by eliminating calculation and manual data transfer errors.
TPO can be measured for beer, soft drinks and functional beverages.
Hach Ultra has integrated this new function in the Orbisphere 510 portable instrumentation platform, a current user of an Orbipshere 510 portable instrument can easily upgrade to the new Orbisphere 510 software version 2.05 and any new user will automatically have this new option included upon direct purchase of an Orbisphere 510 portable instrument.