Premier Biosoft International releases PrimerPlex, a tool based on Luminex's xMap technology, for designing custom oligos for the simultaneous analysis of up to 100 different nucleic acid sequences
PrimerPlex designs custom oligos for rapid and high-throughput detection of nucleic acid sequences for Luminex 100, Luminex 200 and Bio-Plex Suspension Array systems.
The systems are based on Luminex's liquid bead array based xMap technology.
The major advantage of xMap technology is its ability to detect up to 100 sequences in a single reaction.
PrimerPlex will enable users to design custom Capture Probes for the bead arrays based detection system and Allele Specific Primer Extension (ASPE) assays.
PrimerPlex is a valuable tool for researchers working on drug screening and validation, gene expression profiling, genotyping, autoimmune and infectious diseases.
"PrimerPlex is the only software product available that supports oligo design for the technology offered by Luminex.
"PrimerPlex is a powerful tool for suspension array users to design highly specific and successful multiplex assays." commented Kay Brown, VP business development and marketing.