According to H+T, this investment has raised the company's equity capital from 155 million yen to 181.8 million yen, and pushed the company's reserve capital fund up to 124.8 million yen
H+T has received an investment of 48 million yen from NIFSMBC Ventures of Tokyo.
H+T says that it plans to use the money from this investment to accelerate the development of the company's preclinical data collection software package, Tox-launcher.
H+T's Tox-launcher system is currently three-fifths complete, with Japanese language versions of the pathology, weight measurement, and clinical pathology subsystems all available for purchase.
The remaining two subsystems, the clinical observation subsystem and the reproductive toxicity test subsystem, are still under development, but H+T is planning to hasten the completion of these two subsystems following this most recent boost in capital.
Sold as packaged software and compliant with both good laboratory practice (GLP) and FDA21 CFR Part 11 regulations, the Tox-launcher system has received high praise from a number of companies already using one or more of the three completed subsystems.
Features such as auto-validation and H+T's selectable interface and component system have made Tox-launcher a popular choice among Japanese companies and institutions administering preclinical pharmaceutical trials.
H+T is hoping to build on this success and increase its market share with the release of the final two Tox-launcher subsystems.