Schuett PickMaxX clone picking tool from Progen Scientific is a handheld device for manually transferring cell colonies to multiwell plates as well as a manually operated inoculating device
Progen Scientific introduces the Schuett PickMaxX handheld clone picking tool.
The PickMaxX is the fast, inexpensive, more efficient alternative to toothpicks.
The PickMaxX gives unerring picking for specific individual colonies.
It works by taking a disposable comb from the dispenser and inserting in the outlet of the PickMaxX until an audible click can be noticed.
Typically the agar plate is held in the left hand allowing for a full view of the agar surface.
The right hand holds the PickMaxX allowing the index finger to freely push the lever, thereby advancing the comb with the individual foil tips.
Each tip will then be used to pick one clone.
The resulting serial picking of clones allows for transferring complete clone series in one uninterrupted work cycle.
After all the foil tips of a given comb carry a clone, the entire comb will be removed from the PickMaxX and placed in one row after another of the multiwell plate.
The result is a quick and error-free means of transferring clones to multiwell plates; it takes approximately 15 minutes to inoculate a 384-well multiwell plate Operation: