AbD Serotec has produced a series of reference posters, to support the neuroscientific research areas of axonal guidance, neural development and demyelination disorders.
To help researchers to decipher the mechanisms of axonal guidance, AbD Serotec provides investigative tools, including a unique antibody to 2G13P localised on growth cones, plus antibodies to Ephrins, Vimentin and other targets.
In cell fate mapping, the posters detail a number of specificities such as GFAP, myelin basic protein and CD11b, for identifying the numerous types of cells across the glial cell lineage.
AbD Serotec also specialises in markers for oligodendrocytes, a type of glial cell found in the central nervous system, which is responsible for myelination.
Specificities include phosphorylated myelin basic protein and galactocerebroside.
The neuroscience posters list all the antibody markers available for each of the three focus areas described above.