Spectraplex provides scientists with the tools needed to perform quantitative, two-colour fluorescent Western blots.
With multicolour detection, it is possible to simultaneously quantify a loading control and a protein of interest, or phosphorylated isoforms of a single protein, increasing the information from a single blot.
The Spectraplex kit includes fluorescently labelled secondary antibodies, and blocking and washing buffers optimised to work together to provide high sensitivity; as little as 1pg of protein can be detected.
Researchers currently performing chemiluminescent Westerns should find the transition to fluorescence easy, as the Spectraplex protocol is very similar to those used for chemiluminescent detection.
The excitation and emission spectra of the Spectraplex secondary antibodies are compatible with common fluorescence imaging systems.
Spectraplex was developed for the Fluorchema Q, a Western blot imaging station for both fluorescent and chemiluminescent detection, which comes with imaging and analysis software specifically designed for quantitative analysis of Western blots.
Together, Spectraplex and the Fluorchem Q provide a complete platform for fluorescent Western blotting.