Imtakt packs high resolution HPLC columns, available from ARC Sciences.
The columns use 3um particles and deliver the performance of much smaller sub-2um particles.
The polymeric end-capping processes and proprietary hardware of Imtakt's Cadenza and Unison ranges allow them to offer efficiencies of 200,000plates/m.
This allows the user to run the columns on standard hardware rated to 6,000psi.
The Cadenza and Unison ranges allow the separation of standard or broad polarity mixtures; the Unison UK is suitable for more polar compounds.
A range of packages is available, including C18, C8, Amino and Phenyl, all with the same outstanding performance.
There is also a direct plasma inject version, Cadenza HS, and a wide-pore analytical material, Cadenza CW, which can be used in place of fused-core materials.