Symyx Technologies is running a series of complementary online seminars covering information-driven research and development.
These seminars will help the user better design, execute, analyse and report experimental results faster, easier and more cheaply.
The online seminar on 23 April 2009, entitled 'How a Chemistry Electronic Notebook can Take Your Reaction to the Next Step' is targeted at synthetic and medicinal chemists needing to design and share synthesis plans.
This online seminar allows chemists to learn how to easily record, find, report, reuse and share synthesis plans in an electronic laboratory notebook, thereby improving personal productivity and the ability to share knowledge with others.
Another seminar, called 'How an Enterprise ELN can Transform Your R+D' will take place on 30 April and is aimed at scientists, lab and IT managers that wish to capture and re-use intellectual property across a research and development organisation.
The seminar will show users how to benefit from an enterprise strategy for a single multi-disciplinary enterprise ELN, how to search, find and share reaction plans, methods and protocols; integrate with LIMS; as well as capture, secure and manage intellectual property in a paperless environment.