ESA Biosciences has announced that its Corona family of HPLC detectors can now be controlled by Waters Empower 2 chromatography software.
The company said that integrating a Corona Ultra UHPLC detector with a Waters Acquity UPLC or Alliance HPLC system is can be completed easily using the Empower 2/Corona detector instrument-control software driver.
The driver for Waters' chromatography control and data-analysis platform is available free-of-charge to new and existing customers.
The software driver comes standard with all new Corona detectors.
The driver can also be used with ESA's Corona CAD and Corona Plus detectors.
The Corona Ultra shows consistent inter-analyte response independent of chemical structure.
The instrument can detect a range of chemical structures and lasses of molecules - from small organic molecules, proteins and peptides, to ions, carbohydrates, lipids, and polymers.
The Corona Ultra makes methods development, validation, and transfer fast and easy for a range of life-science research applications and industries, including: pharmaceutical, chemical, polymer, food and beverage, biofuel, oils, and petrochemical.
Corona is suited for analytical research-and-development scientists looking for improved throughput and resolution as well as for those in manufacturing QC requiring real-time quality control.