Interscience presents the V4 version of Scan automatic colony counter software.
Interscience Scan 500 and Scan 1200 are automatic colour colony counters, for traceable and productive microbiological analysis.
Automatisation of complex operations allows quick, standardised and reliable results.
Scan V4 software includes detection and differentiation of seven different colours on the same dish for the counting of chromogenic media and the analysis of inhibition zones.
It centralises all functions in one visualisation window, where the detected colonies are highlighted and marked with a cross.
It has one cursor to optimise counting, and customisable settings adaptable to any kind of agar.
Clustered colonies are automatically separated, and any defects on the plate are corrected.
Results and screenshots are immediately saved, and can be checked and recounted at any time.
The Firewire connection ensures the rapid transfer of high-resolution images.
The Scan 1200 can also be connected to a LIMS and to a barcode reader, and allows the counting of small colonies and of dishes with multiple colonies.
The digital image of the sample placed in the Scan is displayed at 7 frames per second.
The camera resolution is 1,280 x 960 pixels, and the image can be reduced or enlarged.
The zoom function enables the user to see the colonies in detail, and differentiate them clearly from particles.
LED lighting allows six different settings - using multiple lighting combinations, the Scan adapts to any kind of agar and colonies.
Scan automatic colony counters comply with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
No special training is necessary.
Features include: instant results traceability; automatic recording of images and results; recountable at any time; data export to Excel chromogenic media; counts up to seven colours on the same plate; inhibition zone analysis; adaptable - reads Spiral, spread-and-pour Petri dishes, Petrifilm, RIDA Count/Sanita-kun, filtering membrane, Compact Dry, inhibition zones.
A trial version of Scan V4 can be downloaded from the Interscience website.