Roche Nimblegen has released the Nimblegen MS 200 Microarray Scanner, a high-resolution scanning instrument.
The MS 200 reveals the full potential and captures the complete picture from all Nimblegen DNA microarrays.
The scanner reproducibly acquires two-colour fluorescent array image data down to two-micron pixel resolution and generates high-quality image files for subsequent data analysis.
The MS 200 is a completely automated system, allowing for walk-away scanning and overnight runs.
It features a slide magazine for automated loading of up to 48 microarrays (for processing of up to 576 samples in a single run with Nimblegen multiplex arrays), advanced dynamic autofocus for a clear data picture and auto gain for consistently bright scans.
The high signal-to-noise, internal calibration, integrated barcode reader, and ozone-reduction features ensure high data-quality and confidence with every scan.
The MS 200 Microarray Scanner is an optimised workflow for Nimblegen DNA microarrays used for comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), Chromatin Immunoprecipitation-on-chip (ChIP-chip), DNA methylation and gene expression.
This optimised workflow encompasses high-density Nimblegen arrays, four-bay and 12-bay hybridization systems, the Microarray Dryer, the MS 200 Microarray Scanner, Nimblescan and Signalmap software, and a comprehensive range of kits and consumables.
The Nimblegen DNA Microarray processing range is comprised of high-resolution microarray technology products, supplies, equipment, and instrumentation, as well as software for data analysis.