Micromeritics's Autopore IV 9500 series from Particle and Surface Sciences characterises a material's porosity by applying various levels of pressure to a sample immersed in mercury.
The pressure required to intrude mercury into the sample's pores is inversely proportional to the size of the pores.
This is called mercury porosimetry or 'mercury intrusion'.
The Autopore IV series provides high-quality analysis data and comes with enhanced data reduction and reporting packages, faster pressure ramp rates, a more flexible and controllable vacuum system, and a redesign of both the low- and high-pressure generation systems.
The Autopore IV series has the ability to measure pore diameters from 0.003 to 360um and is available with two low and one high-pressure ports or four low and two high-pressure ports for increased sample throughput.
It is available in 33,000psi or 60,000psi models and has a low-noise, high-pressure generating system.
It features an enhanced data reduction package; includes tortuosity, permeability, compressibility, pore-throat ratio, fractal dimension, Mayer-Stowe particle size and more.
The Autopore IV series operates in scanning and time - or rate - equilibrated modes and collects high-resolution data; better than 0.1uL for mercury intrusion and extrusion volumes.
Four models are available.
Autopore IV 9520 features two high-pressure (60,000psia maximum pressure) and four low-pressure analysis ports.
Autopore IV 9510 has one high-pressure (60,000psia maximum pressure) and two low-pressure analysis ports.
Autopore IV 9505 features two high-pressure (33,000psia maximum pressure) and four low-pressure analysis ports.
Autopore IV 9500 has one high-pressure (33,000psia maximum pressure) and two low-pressure analysis ports.
Typical applications include: pharmaceuticals; ceramics; catalyst; paper; medical implants; electronics; aerospace; fuel cells; geosciences; filtration; and construction materials.