Gamma Scientific has introduced the RS-5H spectrally programmable digital light source, developed to simplify testing and calibration of a variety of optical instruments.
The colour-tuneable light source features 16-bit linear digital brightness control.
Gamma's light source is spectrally programmable with simple commands - the colour and brightness are digitally controlled and can be changed in a matter of milliseconds.
The system can output saturated blue, green and red.
Brightness levels of thousands of lux can be achieved, depending on the configuration and customer requirements.
It can also simulate a number of different illuminants, including illuminants A, C, D65, and E.
The RS-5H is utilised in semiconductor image-sensor testing and as an illumination source for light boxes or automotive testing.
It is also useful in highway safety and military applications.
The cost of operation is lower and the lifetime of the lamps is longer than traditional light sources, such as tungsten, xenon, and metal halide.
The digital light source changes colour and brightness without the need for moving parts, making it easy to install into new and/or existing systems.
It features little downtime, making it an ideal choice for production-line applications.