Thermo Fisher Scientific has uploaded an online resource featuring detailed information about the Thermo Scientific Nalgene and Nunc OEM diagnostic products.
The website provides users with easy, one-stop access to the complete portfolio of products and capabilities available for in vitro diagnostic kit components.
Catalogues and brochures may be downloaded and users can request a variety of free samples.
Thermo Scientific displayed the Nalgene and Nunc kit components at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) 2009 exhibition, held in Chicago from 21 - 23 July.
The Nalgene and Nunc product lines comprise high-quality, critical kit components for in vitro diagnostic applications.
These include a range of industry-leading products for Elisa, such as plates and modules with low lot-to-lot variation, which minimises the need for testing.
Custom design and coating capabilities allow users to address the needs of their specific applications, manufacturing efficiencies and instrument requirements.
The complete line of bottles and vials guarantees leak-proof performance for containing diagnostic reagents.