Oxford Gene Technology has agreed to supply Scigene's lines of microarray sample-processing equipment to cytogenetics and research laboratories throughout the European Union, excluding Germany.
Scigene's automated instruments improve test reproducibility and lower costs, while saving hands-on time.
The range of instruments provides cytogeneticists with a way to automate their microarray workflow, from DNA labelling and purification to hybridisation and array washing and drying.
Alongside its Cytosure family of high-resolution oligonucleotide arrays, OGT offers: Arrayprep Target Preparation Systems for automating DNA labelling, purification and array loading for aCGH-based tests; and Arrayprep aCGH Genomic Labelling Systems - packaged ready-to-use kits for labelling genomic DNA; Mai Tai Hybridisation Systems - for batch hybridising four slides at a time; Little Dipper Processors - for producing clean slides ready for scanning or imaging; and Nozone Workspaces - for providing an ozone-safe environment for array processing and scanning.