A collaboration between Metrohm and Mitsubishi has resulted in the development of combustion ion chromatography, which allows the determination of halogens and sulphur in solid and liquid samples.
The advantages of combustion IC include the fully automated simultaneous determination of halogens and sulphur.
Combustion IC works precisely and with optimised timing, allowing a high sample throughput.
In combustion IC, the samples are thermally digested under argon in the furnace unit and then combusted with oxygen.
The resulting gaseous compounds are passed into an absorption solution, which is then transferred inline to a Metrohm ion chromatography system.
The appropriate autosampler makes it possible to save time when measuring both liquid and solid samples: while a chromatogram is being recorded, the next sample is already being digested.
Combustion IC is suitable for use in quality control of raw materials, intermediates and finished products.
Combustion IC can be used to monitor compliance with standards such as ASTM D 7359-08, DIN EN 228, IEC 60502-1, RoHS, WEEE and others.