Young chemists can win cash prizes for their research, along with a trip to Switzerland, as part of a competition launched to help mark Metrohm's AG's 75th anniversary.
On 1st April 2018, it will be 75 years since Metrohm was founded in Herisau, Switzerland by engineer Bertold Suhner. What started as small workshop on the premises of an old textile mill has steadily grown to become a leading producer of instruments for wet chemical analysis.
Since its foundation in 1943, Metrohm has remained independent and firmly committed to benefitting customers with superior Swiss quality and outstanding support. It is owned by the non-profit Metrohm Foundation, established in 1982 by Bertold Suhner and his fellow owners of Metrohm AG, Hans Winzeler and Lorenz Kuhn, to safeguard the independent future and spirit of his company.
The Metrohm Young Chemist Award, aims to appreciate young scientists and the contribution they are making to improve scientific development. It is open to undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate or PhD students, and winners will be invited
to present their work at Metrohm's Switzerland headquarters.
For more information, go to: https://www.metrohm.com/en-gb/company/metrohm-young-chemist-award/