The Davis and Gray titration method for the determination of UF6 can be automated using the Metrohm Titrando and Sample Processor.
Using the 814 Sample Processor and an 809 Titrando titrator, the whole system is automated and the UF6 is determined the same way.
Prior to the solution additions, the temperature of the sample is measured and is used in the subsequent calculation of the UF6.
The solutions are added via four dosinos and the operator does not come into contact with any of the solutions.
All the relevant pauses in between additions are set, so too are the increase or decrease of stirrer speeds during these additions.
The solution is then titrated against potassium dichromate and the UF6 calculated.
The sample beaker and electrode setup is sprayed after the analysis with de-ionised water and all the hazardous waste is pumped away safely before moving on to the next sample.
Tiamo titration software controls the whole operation from beginning to end and the results can be exported to a LIMS system should it be required.
The flexibility of the system can be tailored to almost any type titration that needs to be automated.