Mettler Toledo's weighing solutions team has announced the introduction of the GWPExcellence safety features in the Excellence Plus XP balance line.
Mettler Toledo's GWPExcellence balance firmware is pre-installed on all new Excellence Plus XP balances and a firmware upgrade is freely available for all existing XP users.
The calibration and testing features are tailored to applications and individual testing requirements.
The new firmware maintains a testing schedule and automatically reminds the user when a test is due.
Balances cannot be used if the testing requirements have not been fulfilled.
The firmware provides full user guidance for each testing protocol; human error is therefore eliminated and advanced routines, such as repeatability testing, can be undertaken by all users, helping busy laboratories deal efficiently with routine equipment testing.
GWPExcellence has been developed together with heads of QA/QC laboratories and other personnel responsible for weighing equipment in strongly regulated environments working under GLP/GMP directives.
The safety features give assurance that balance testing guidelines are always followed without the need for technicians to check if the required tests have been performed.
Complex periodic tests are automatically scheduled ensuring these important checks are not overlooked.
Management of balance maintenance is easier, improving process security and simplifying regulatory compliance.