NLG Analytical has launched V-kit Pro, a qualification management and execution platform designed to complement and extend the company's V-kit chromatography-instrument qualification kits.
A qualification database enables users to manage user rights, qualification requirements and test-outcomes.
Editable electronic protocols allow qualification of protocols to be defined, rather than just documenting set points and limits.
Users can create system-type or instrument-specific protocols, edit and lock set-points and acceptance limits, remove or rename tests, and review previously completed tests and protocols.
V-kit Pro also extends the range of v-kit qualification products - the first of which are qualification kits for single quadropole GCMS detectors, such as the Agilent 5973 and 5975.
Features: supports the qualification of any analytical technique with a single system; uses a modern, web-based user interface; provides management of protocols and qualification requirements; allows previously completed protocols to be reviewed; electronic protocols define the qualification in the system; creates and distributes protocols based on user requirements; enables edit of set-points and acceptance limits, also removing or renaming of tests; administrator, supervisor or user accessibility-levels; administrators can control the rights of defined users; managers can create and edit protocols, users can only run protocols.