Mo-Sci is using the Morphologi G3 image analysis system from Malvern Instruments to characterise glass beads used in blood-typing cards.
Ted Day, Mo-Sci president, said: 'The novel dry-powder dispersion system integrated into Malvern's Morphologi G3 reduces the particle-to-particle contact numbers to within manageable levels, prior to any measurements being made.
'Because sample preparation is almost automatic, this system offers enormous advantage by reducing sample-preparation times and increasing measurement repeatability.' All Mo-Sci projects require the characterisation of material compositions by size, shape and general morphology.
Day added: 'During the development of the unique glass beads used in blood typing cards, it could take three operators four days to look at the beads in a single card.
'We make a very large number of beads each day and need to regularly measure a statistically relevant number of samples.
'The Morphologi G3 can accurately measure all the beads on a card in around 15min and that includes setting up the sample.
'The measurements themselves take only a few minutes and produce enormous amounts of information.'