ST Japan-Europe has developed the Paints spectra database, which features 2,507 ATR-FTIR spectra, for art conservators and forensic purposes.
It contains spectra of pigments, fillers, binders and many other related compounds.
In the new Coatings spectra collection, users will find 1,809 ATR-FTIR spectra of coating materials, including binders, resins, primers and lacquers.
The company is also offering a new Polymer spectra database.
The new Takayma-Polymer spectra collection contains 750 transmission spectra of polymers, plastics and additives.
ST has added 2,100 high-quality Raman spectra and offers 10,100 Raman spectra subdivided in individual databases of organic and inorganic compounds, polymers, surfactants, pigments, pharmaceuticals and minerals.
All spectra are compatible with most instrument manufacturers' search software.
The company will be exhibiting in Booth A2.206 at Analytica 2010 in Munich.
Visitors will receive a free USB stick with 5,000 ATR-FTIR, 1,100 Raman spectra and a free trial version of Labcognition's IRanalyze and Ramalyze spectra interpretation software.