The combination of simulation software from Compuplast and capillary rheometers from Malvern Instruments offers a solution for polymer processors seeking to cut development time and cost.
Malvern's Rosand bench-top and floor-standing rheometers measure the flow properties of polymers and are said to provide a basis for the construction of truly representative process models.
Compuplast software allows users to utilise the data to simulate extrusion and other polymer-processing operations, cutting the requirement for expensive, time-consuming pilot-scale trials.
The Rosand range of capillary rheometers includes the RH2000 bench-top series and the RH-7 and 10 advanced floor-standing units for higher loading studies.
A new digital drive improves speed control, accuracy and dynamic operating range.
Combined with twin bore configurations, these features enable the simultaneous determination of shear and extensional viscosity under processing conditions.
The rheometer hardware is supported by the latest Windows-based Flowmaster software, offering an extended range of rheological test types and experimental possibilities.
Compuplast solutions allow accurate representation of the complete die or screw extrusion process, including cooling.
A suite of module options simplifies plant-specific model development.
An automatic checking feature builds in expert experience, highlighting to the user operating regimes that may be unsuccessful.