The Contraa series of high-resolution continuum source atomic absorption spectrophotometers from Analytik Jena allow semi-quantitative measurements to be made quickly.
The availability of all atomic absorption lines from 190 - 900nm from a single high-intensity continuum radiation source means that sequential analysis for different elements on a single sample can be made rapidly.
Since all of the lines are available at the same intensity, semi-quantitative analysis can be made using a multi-element standard solution.
The Contraa series of instruments is also suitable for identification of interfering samples.
Since a 1nm region of the spectrum is typically examined at high resolution, any interfering lines can be identified by rolling the cursor over them.
The Contraa's library of analytical lines includes many molecular absorption lines as well as atomic, allowing interferences from non metals such as sulphur or halogens to be identified.
The high-resolution Contraa series is available in flame and hydride analysis (Contraa 300) and flame, hydride and graphite furnace analysis (Contraa 700) versions.