The newly developed TMA 402 Hyperion accommodates specimens up to 30mm long, whose thermomechanical properties can be investigated under a force of up to 3N.
A built-in force sensor ensures that forces can be reliably adjusted with mN-accuracy and everything is completely software controlled.
The instrument comes in two versions, allowing the force to be modified stepwise or linearly at any point during the measurement.
The premium version TMA 402 F1 additionally features the possibility of continuous force modulation as a saw tooth, square or sinusoidal wave with a freely selectable frequency up to 1Hz.
As a result, a variety of experiments is possible, including: coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), stress sweep, creep, softening and visco-elastic properties (Young's modulus).
All components of the TMA 402 Hyperion are vacuum tight to ensure a pure atmosphere around the sample.
Due to the compact design, all necessary electronics, as well as the (optional) mass-flow controllers for purge gases, are included in one chassis.
In order to expand possible applications to higher temperatures, the modular system concept allows the exchange of the furnace.
The low-temperature steel furnace can be equipped with a liquid-nitrogen cooling system, allowing for a temperature range of -150 to 1,000C.
The SiC-furnace can be used from ambient temperature upwards and reaches up to 1,550C.
A range of sample holder systems is available for expansion, penetration, tension or three-point bending measurements.
The TMA 402 Hyperion can be used for the analysis of the glass-transition and softening point; characterisation of visco-elastic properties of polymers; and optimisation of sintering processes of ceramics.