Sage-N Research's Sorcerer proteomics platform can be customised to offer a solution for proteomics research into diseases such as cancer and stem-cell research.
The platform, which will be showcased at ASMS in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 23-27 May, enables researchers to characterise and identify proteins in complex disease states.
Comprising the Sequest 3G search engine, Sorcerer Enterprise 4.0 software enables accurate, sensitive identification and characterisation of low-abundance phospho-proteins and post-translational modifications (PTMs) important to cancer and stem-cell research.
The platform also includes high-level server-based solutions for storage and backup of the complex data sets that are generated from the instruments that are used in high-throughput proteomics.
Sage-N will be co-presenting a poster at ASMS 2010 with Stanford University, California, on 25 May, titled: 'In-depth analysis on the utility of combined CID and HCD fragmentation spectra pre-proteomic processing'.
The poster will detail how merged CID/HCD database search files increase the statistical confidence in peptide identification and rescue threshold scoring peptides.