Duplex-specific nuclease-based normalisation technology from Evrogen can be used to equalise transcript abundance in cDNA populations enriched with full-length sequences.
High flexibility of the normalisation procedure enables modifications for various purposes.
New service options are now available for generating various types of uncloned normalised cDNA for further next-generation sequencing.
Specific adapters are used as optimal for various sequencing approaches.
For 454 sequencing projects, the company now uses two types of modified Oligo(dT) primers for making cDNA following Roche's recommendations.
These primer modifications help to avoid 454 sequencing problems related to the presence of long dA/dT homopolymers in cDNA.
For Illumina (Solexa) sequencing, Evrogen provides cDNA flanked by adapter sequences comprising asymmetric SfiI sites.
SfiI enzyme digestion enables a reduction in the size of flanking fragments, which is said to be especially helpful for Illumina sequencing.
In addition, the company offers cDNA synthesis from prokaryotic total RNA using random primers.
The further normalisation of such cDNA decreases the representation of ribosomal DNA in the sample.