Biocellchallenge has launched a non-toxic antibody intracellular delivery reagent suitable for immunolabelling in live cells and for the intracellular delivery of blocking or neutralising antibodies.
Antibodies cannot pass through the plasmic membranes of live cells towards potential intracellular targets.
The patent-pending Immunocellin reagent is based on a cationic lipids formulation.
It allows encapsulating antibodies through non-covalent interactions.
Since no organic chemical coupling occurs, the delivered antibodies retain their structure and function.
This system is not inhibited by the presence of serum, making it suitable for use in in-vivo approaches.
The reagent provides the rapid and effective intracellular delivery of antibodies and high reproducibility.
It is said to be efficient with a variety of cell types, including primary cells.
Immunocellin can be used for the delivery of an IgG-Dylight into fibroblasts, for example.