Polymer Char has announced the release of its GPC One software platform, developed to fulfil the requirements of polyolefin characterisation laboratories.
The software platform is the result of a close collaboration between scientists in the chemical industry and Polymer Char engineers, which began in 2006 and ended in 2010 with the development of the GPC/SEC software package.
The platform is able to integrate in a single user-friendly interface, information gathered by the different detectors used in GPC/SEC technique, including multiple-angle laser light scattering, different types of viscometers as well as infrared detectors for chemical composition analysis.
GPC One architecture allows customised calibration and analysis procedures, so that it fits any laboratory-specific need.
The GPC One reporting module offers the versatility required in today's laboratories in which different reports and data formats need to be supported.
GPC One integrates quality control tracking tools (SQC database) in the data processing workflow in order to simplify the task of system performance verification.
The GPC One software is incorporated in the new Polymer Char GPC-IR instrument and can be added to other GPC instruments through the use of the modern Data Unit 200.