Precision Power International (PPI) has updated its Instrument Power Protection System (IPPS) online catalogue with the latest mass spectroscopy (MS) Tandem and Triple TOF MALDI instrumentation.
The online catalogue enables visitors to quickly determine exactly which IPPS they need to protect their laboratory instrumentation.
Visitors are also able to download Specification Data Sheets (SDS) as reference materials.
These SDS include both UL and CE-marked product applications for the various instruments.
The SDS defines the specific instrument application; the IPPS catalogue number and certification standards for effortless product selection.
Currently, the online catalogue contains hundreds of GC, GC-MS, Genomic/Proteomic (DNA), LC, LC-MS, ICP, ICP-MS, SEM and XRF instruments from Applied Biosystems (Life Technologies), AB Sciex, Dionex, FEI Company, Illumina (Solexa), Nuaire, Oxford Instruments, Peak Scientific, Perkinelmer, Protedyne (Lab Corp), Roche, Shimadzu, So-Low, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.