Femtolasers Produktions has launched the 2011 Femtosource fusion and synergy ranges designed for applications such as seeding, THz, OCT, MPM, materials processing and spectroscopy.
The fusion and synergy ranges feature Dispersive Mirror (DM) based ultrafast Ti:Sapphire oscillators combining high performance with ease of operation.
The products are suitable for all nonlinear physics that can benefit from high peak powers.
The efficiency of the DM cavity guarantees low cost of ownership, while the reduction in the number of its components is said to deliver rock-solid passive stability combined with modern laser parameters.
The synergy and fusion ranges share the same platform designed for maximum passive stability.
The synergy accommodates a variety of pump lasers of the user's choice, while the fusion comes with an integrated pump laser in combination with Greenalign active stabilisation.
Greenalign is an opto-mechanical component developed for the company's industrial-grade Integral oscillators that delivers high stability.