Malvern Instruments has released a whitepaper entitled 'Driving Towards Manufacturing Excellence: 10 Reasons to Adopt On-line Particle Size Analysis', which is downloadable from the company's website.
The whitepaper explores how automated real-time measurement supports the attainment of manufacturing goals.
These include: improved product quality; reduced waste; increased throughput; and lower energy consumption.
Automating process analysis can transform production, propelling it towards the performance levels targeted through programmes such as lean manufacturing and six sigma.
Automated analysis reduces the risks associated with manual measurement and provides a platform for automated control.
Well-tuned automated control strategies drive a plant swiftly towards optimal operation and maintain it consistently, reducing all the inefficiencies associated with variable, poorly controlled production.
The Insitec range of on- and in-line particle size analysers from Malvern provides real-time measurement for both wet and dry process streams with particles in the size range 0.1 to 1,000microns.
Up to four complete particle size distributions are measured every second, allowing nuanced monitoring of even rapidly changing processes.
Designed to integrate easily with existing control systems, these analysers deliver the reliability required for automation within the process environment.