Coherent has introduced the Verdi G8, an 8W laser for pumping Titanium:Sapphire-based ultrafast laser oscillators in applications such as spectroscopy, pump-probe dynamics and materials research.
Based on the company's optically pumped semiconductor laser (OPSL) technology, the G8 delivers lower noise (<0.03 per cent RMS) than other competitive lasers based on diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) technology.
While DPSS lasers' multimode operation generates chaotic sum frequency noise, the short upper-laser lifetime of OPSL devices totally eliminates so-called 'green noise'.
In addition, the thin OPSL chip, measuring a few microns, prevents thermal lensing effects that are present in all DPSS lasers, meaning the output power of Verdi G can be adjusted over the entire dynamic range without affecting beam parameters.
The OPSL technology used in the Verdi G series has been proven in more than 25,000 OPSL units now in the field.
Combined with Coherent's proprietary PermAlign manufacturing process, this technology has been recognised as a reliable approach in generating visible laser light.
In regards to pump diode reliability, Coherent has a mean time to failure (MTTF) of more than 50,000 hours for high-power pumps.
This reliability is backed by a two-year/10,000 hour warranty, meaning the Verdi G series provides a low overall cost of ownership.