Nanosight will host an interactive webinar on the subject of exosome characterisation by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA).
It will be held on 27 January at 0700 PST, 1000 EST, 1500 GMT, then again live, two hours later, at 0900 PST, 1200 EST, 1700 GMT.
This webinar is aimed at those with an interest in detection and speciation of exosomes and micro-vesicles.
It will be fully interactive and questions will be welcomed during the presentation.
Much interest centres around microvesicles and nanovesicles (exosomes), as they are increasingly cited as potential biomarkers.
NTA allows exosomes and microvesicles in the range of 30-1,000nm in liquid suspension to be directly and individually visualised in real time.
NTA provides high-resolution particle-size distribution profiles and concentration measurements.
The technique is fast, robust, accurate and cost effective, representing an alternative or complement to existing methods.
Specific exosomes can be imaged and characterised through suitable labelling with a fluorescent marker with a range of excitation wavelengths available.
Within 10min, speakers will give a sufficient overview to assess the value of this tool.
The anticipated duration of the webinar is 35min, including any questions.
This webinar will include a description of the NTA technique and compare its strengths and limitations with other techniques currently used.
The format will be interactive, aiming to give participants an opportunity to pose questions on the challenges and techniques in this important topic.
The webinar will be led by Dr Patrick Hole, head of development at Nanosight.