All of the quality-control strains recommended in the new EUCAST harmonised disc-diffusion method for antimicrobial susceptibility testing are available as Oxoid Culti-Loops.
The Culti-Loops range of quality-control organisms, which includes all EUCAST (European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing)-recommended strains, are disposable bacteriological loops containing stabilised, viable microorganisms, supplied in packs of five.
Each loop is individually foil wrapped and ready to use, designed for quick, easy and safe preparation of standardised cultures.
The Oxoid antimicrobial susceptibility testing product range also includes Oxoid antimicrobial discs for all of the antimicrobial compounds recommended in the EUCAST method.
The recommended culture medium (Mueller-Hinton Agar) is available in dehydrated or various prepared media formats (with and without defibrinated horse blood and NAD).
Ergonomically designed disc dispensers, for the accurate placement of discs onto a variety of agar plate sizes (90, 120 and 140mm); and the Oxoid Turbidometer, for accurate preparation of 0.5 McFarland inoculums, are also available.