Swabsure Listeria P is a Campden BRI-validated, ISO 18593-compliant colour-change testing system for presumptive detection of pathogenic Listeria from food contact and environmental surfaces.
Listeria P permits easy differentiation between pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii from other background microorganisms including Bacillus spp, Enterococcus spp, Micrococcus spp, Klebsiella spp and other Listeria species such as Listeria innocua, simplifying the testing process involved in meeting safety and regulatory requirements such as HACCP.
The pre-moistened foam swab optimises sample collection, while the TSC neutralising buffer inactivates any disinfectant residues including QACs, phenols, peroxides and most sansitisers, enhancing cell recovery and ensuring accurate and confident results every time.
After the simple, safe and secure swab transfer into the Listeria P medium using the breakpoint, the structure of foam swab maximises sample release, ensuring optimal recovery of target cells.
The selective media with its patented chromogenic substrate reliably detects Listeria monocytogenes down to one CFU by changing colour from straw to turquoise within 24 to 48 hours.
This visual screen reduces unnecessary and costly subculturing and further identification needs, eliminating false positives - a common problem with other traditional methods.
The kit contains everything customers need to perform 81 tests.