Jeol's JEM-ARM200F atomic resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) is claimed to set a new standard for rapidly resuming operation after flashing.
Flashing is a routine procedure conducted with any TEM featuring a Cold FEG source.
Long considered a trade-off for the higher-resolution, higher-brightness and smaller energy spread of a cold FEG TEM, emission stability degrades owing to residual gases in the area of the tip.
With conventional cold FEG TEMs, the operator must flash every few hours to clean the tip, disrupting operation.
The Jeol ARM200F Cold FEG TEM has the ability to 'flash and go', allowing the microscope to resume operation within seconds after flashing, instead of the typical half an hour or more that most users of Cold FEG TEMs expect.
A newly developed vacuum system effectively evacuates the area around the Cold FEG source to the order of 1 x 10-9Pa, resulting in good long-term emission stability.
The ARM200F with a cold field emission gun achieves excellent imaging resolution of 78 picometers with an energy resolution of better than 0.3eV.
The higher brightness and narrower energy spread enabled by the Cold FEG are optimised by the ultra-stable emission, enhancing atom-atom imaging and chemical analysis.