Spectroelectrochemistry couples reaction-oriented electrochemistry and species-focused spectroscopic methods to obtain information on structural/molecular properties during electrochemical reactions.
In particular, UV/Vis spectroelectrochemistry (UV/Vis-SEC) investigates chemical reactions involving or related to electron transfer and determines the structure of the reactants in situ.
By combining the information from electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques, UV/Vis-SEC allows a comprehensive analysis of electron-transfer processes and complex redox reactions.
The anodic oxidation of a 5.5-disubstituted N-aryl-pyrazoline was investigated by combining cyclic voltammetry and UV/Vis spectroscopy.
In situ measured UV/Vis absorbance depicted the absorption changes that accompanied the anodic oxidation of the N-aryl-pyrazoline derivative and could therewith prove the stability of the electrogenerated radical cation.
Due to the direct control of the spectrometer by the potentiostat, the electrochemical and optical information can be easily cross-correlated.
The combination of an Autolab potentiostat and a triggerable spectrometer provides a tool for the in situ study of shorter-lived species, reaction mechanisms and kinetics in a variety of electrochemical active organic, inorganic and biological molecules.