Coulbourn Instruments has introduced a range of small animal treadmills that is suitable for forced exercise training and muscle fatigue studies in rodents.
The company said the treadmills offer reduced stress to subjects and smooth operation with a motor that runs silently, even at high speeds.
Other benefits include: animal training with integrated shock grid, designed for minimal discomfort and uniform stimulation delivery; simple data acquisition with included software; flexibility for experimental protocols with a speed range of 5-150cm/sec and both positive and negative incline capabilities; treadmills can be adjusted manually on the control unit or through the included software; minimal maintenance and easy to clean.
The software that is included with the treadmills displays belt speed, distance travelled, number of shocks, as well as accumulated shock duration.
Single- and multi-lane models are available.
Single-lane versions have an optional CO2 airtight enclosure for use with Coulbourn's M3 system for metabolic studies.