Syrris has introduced the Asia 220 flow chemistry system, for conducting chemical synthesis on the mg to kg scale in either solid or solution-phase chemistry.
The system incorporates a wide range of temperatures (-15 to +250C), pressures and flow rates.
It can be used with solid or solution phase chemistry and its high chemical compatibility enables an extremely broad range of reactions.
The Asia 220 can carry out a single reaction from start to finish, providing 'walk-away' automation, without the need for a PC.
To perform automated synthesis, users simply need to enter the reactor volume, desired temperature and pressure, collection volume and desired ratio of the reagents, then press start.
The system automatically sets the flow rates, injects the correct volume of reagents, controls reaction temperature and pressure, diverts the waste and starts and stops the collection exactly when the reaction product reaches the Product Collector.
Safety features include an automatic leak check and safety shutdown in the case of over pressurisation of the system.
The new Asia range of flow chemistry systems are fully modular, allowing upgrades to be easily added.
The Asia 220 system can be upgraded to include flow liquid-liquid extraction, multiple flow streams and reactor stages, integration to liquid crystal mass spectrometry/ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (LCMS/UHPLC) systems and full PC software control.