Thermo Fisher Scientific's Udrop plate can be used for photometric DNA or RNA quantitation and purity analysis, using small sample volumes.
According to Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Udrop Plate is suitable for the quick and easy measurement of samples down to 2uL.
The Udrop Plate provides a way of analysing up to 16 microlitre-scale samples simultaneously.
The fixed light path of the plate allows direct calculation of nucleic acid concentrations of the samples.
Furthermore, users can detect dsDNA from a few micrograms to a few milligrams per millilitre, without needing to perform any dilutions.
Samples are easily pipetted onto the Udrop Plate using a single or eight-channel pipette.
The plate is easily wiped clean, making it convenient for serial measurements.
Additionally, the Udrop Plate is equipped with a cuvette slot, enabling endpoint, spectral and kinetic measurements in a standard rectangular cuvette.
The Udrop Plate has been designed for use with the Thermo Scientific Multiskan GO UV/Vis microplate and cuvette spectrophotometer, as well as the Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash spectral scanning multimode reader.
This extends their capabilities to include micro-scale absorbance measurements.