The new E chip expands the range of viscosity measurements with significantly greater shear rates.
Mounted on the m-VROC viscometer, the E chip attains 2,000,000 1/s measurements of water-like viscosity or 1,000,000 1/s for various injket inks (~ 4 mPas).
Industrial processes such as inkjetting, coating, printing and injection include high shear flows. Paper coating, inkjetting, and engine lubrication engage shear rates over 1,000,000 1/s.
With conventional viscometers, viscosity measurement at high shear rates has been very difficult.
With conventional instruments, the flow becomes turbulent or unstable that invalidates measurements. Measurements have to be repeated, using more samples and other resources.
Using the E chip eliminates the onset of early turbulence. The well-defined, micro-fabricated uniform flow channel of the E chip maintains the laminar flow at high shear rates, producing accurate measurements.
This viscosity measurement is facilitated by the higher full scale pressure of the chip.