The iBox ExplorerTM2 microscope features expanded capabilities for detection of fluorescent markers in small animals.
With magnification from whole mouse to individual cells, the iBox Explorer2provides claims to provide significant advances for cancer research studies.
Researchers can now visualise tumor margins, micro metastasis and more with the wide range of magnifications from 0.17x to 16.5x.
The upright optics provide an ultra-long working distance and high numerical aperture (NA) for detailed, exacting in vivo imaging research.
“Integrating the new optics further expands the instrument’s current capabilities. Designed to transition from the macroscopic to the microscopic scale, the iBox Explore2 permits deeper interrogation of a fluorescent signal in real time which otherwise would have necessitated cross-sectional studies,” said Antonio Sanchez, MD, UVP Life Scientist.
“Scientists imaging whole animals for tumor tracking or biodistribution will be able to ’dive deeper’ into the animal in order to investigate biological phenomena at the cellular level.”
The iBox Explorer utilises the BioLite Xe light source which provides bright illumination for multispectral fluorescent, visible and NIR excitation.
The BioLite Xe houses a 150-watt xenon lamp that supplies brilliant excitation of fluorescent probes for a variety of applications.
The system includes an eight-position emission filter wheel and convenient switching between experiments and multiplexing applications.
The iBox Explorer2 is the ideal system for in vivo imaging applications including:
- Tumor shedding and angiogenesis
- Micro/Macro metastases
- Tumor/host margins and interactions
- Tumor micro environment
- Primary tumor growth
- Hematogenous and Intralymphatic trafficking
- Extravasation
- Biodistrubtion