Technology from Bruker CAM has allowed Energia Technologies to address the emerging need for alternative liquid biofuels.
Energia Technologies’ SelectJET system converts plant oils into biojet and biodiesel, which can serve as drop-in replacement to petroleum-based fuels.
Now, using Bruker gas chromatography (GC) systems along with CompassCDS and SimDist Software, the research team at Energia Technologies can analyse their product quickly and easily, using the information to feedback into optimszing production processes.
After experiencing what appeared to be a chromatography software issue that threatened to bring production to a halt, Energia Technologies called in the Bruker CAM expert, Graham Shelver, Ph.D., Account Manager for CompassCDS.
Having diagnosed the problem as being computer hardware fault that might otherwise have taken several days to repair, and understanding the cost of further downtime to Energia Technologies, Bruker CAM delivered a courtesy computer pre-configured with CompassCDS to fill the gap and get the system up and running again the next day.
“The software gives the entire profile of the carbon composition for the particular product that we’re making,” explained Dr. Duyen Nguyen, Co-founder, Energia Technologies.
“As a result, it allows us to understand how well the unit is operating. And we can get that information very quickly so we can turn around and make the adjustments on the unit. This ability to quickly optimise your process is tremendous in a research facility like ours. It allows you to amass knowledge in leaps and bounds.”
The SelectJET technology has been proven in a small scale pilot plant at Energia Technologies and is readily scalable for commercial biojet production.