Copley Scientific has enhanced its offering for the validation and qualification of inhaler testing equipment.
A new Flow-Time Verification kit introduces a non-invasive verification method for flow control apparatus used when testing Dry Powder Inhalers (DPIs).
A streamlined set of qualification kits also provides the tools necessary to meet rigorous IQ/OQ procedures.
Uniquely focusing on the entire inhaler test set-up, rather than individual components, Copley Scientific claims to ensure a robust dose uniformity and aerodynamic particle sizing system.
All Copley Scientific IQ/OQ (and in some cases PQ) documentation is written to GxP standards, ensuring conformance with industry expectations.
Qualification test kits include measurement tools calibrated to UKAS traceable standards, with comprehensive instructions, connectors and fittings to allow qualification of dose uniformity apparatus, critical flow controllers, cascade impactors, pumps and flow meters.
With a responsive pressure sensor, this kit determines flow duration automatically, replacing manually operated stopwatches or invasive techniques, significantly improving the accuracy and reproducibility of test results.