The GelDoc-Ite Imager has been designed for fast imaging of fluorescent and colorimetric gels.
The GelDoc-Ite accommodates a wide range of gel sizes on the integrated UV transilluminator.
The hardware features are designed to facilitate ease of use with side access doors for cutting or moving gels, a UV-safe gel viewer window for viewing of illuminated gels, and a camera and zoom lens configuration to capture large gels or zoom in on details.
The system is claimed to be a true plug-and-play gel imager, requiring little to no user training. It is designed to enable researcher to easily view gels using multiple light sources, quickly capture and save publication-quality images, and analyse lanes and bands.
Product features include:
- Choice of transilluminator for maximising fluorophore stain excitation. A unit with midrange 302nm UV is for viewing ethidium bromide (EtBr) and other stains, while the 3UV model provides user-selectable 302, 365 and 254nm excitation. An EtBr emission filter is included as standard with the GelDoc-Ite, while a variety of optional emission filters are available to suit various imaging applications.
- Modular design to enable placement of converter plates onto the UV transillumination surface, converting midrange UV to specific wavelengths for illumination of a variety of stains. The Visi-Blue Converter plate converts the UV to 460-470nm blue light for viewing stains such as SYBR Green, SYBR Safe and GelGreen. When white light transillumination is required, the White Light Converter Plate can be used for viewing gels such as Coomassie Blue and Silver stain.
- Simplifies imaging with the workflow-based VisionWorks LS software. One-touch buttons enable fast image acquisition, while the software controls the scientific grade CCD camera capturing high quality, publication-ready images.
- Researchers can conduct 1D analysis and generate extensive quantitative data using molecular weight, histograms, lane profile graphs and other tools. Exporting result data to Excel and other programs for documentation and publication is accomplished with software’s integrated tools.