The Hiden range of plasma diagnostic tools has been advanced by integration of on-board timers.
Two timers provide ‘gate open/close’ and ‘gate increment’ periodicity with sub-microsecond gating resolution to just 100 nanoseconds, phasing data acquisition precisely with each individual plasma pulse.
Enabled instruments include the Hiden ESPion Langmuir-style probe for measurement of plasma ion and electron densities and energies, and the Hiden PSM and EQP quadrupole mass spectrometers for characterisation of both positive and negative plasma ion species together with their abundance and their ion energies.
All are supported by a comprehensive range of accessories, with differential pumping options for processes operating up to 5 bar.
The ESPion probe is available in versions for operation in both RF and DC plasma, at elevated temperatures and in diverse lengths in excess of 1000mm.
Compatible bellows-sealed ‘Z’-drives have up to 900mm translation. The EQP and compact PSM plasma monitors share similar software, the EQP system featuring a high-definition sector-field energy filter and energy range /-1000eV.
The integral electron bombardment ion source is used for neutrals/radicals measurement and for studies of electronegative species by electron attachment.