EANOVA-COLL has launched a range of sterile collagen solutions designed to be both high-quality and affordable.
The range of collagens for applications in cell culture, tissue engineering and biomedical research are extracted from freshwater fish tissues and are claimed to be the first commercially available highly-purified collagen solutions from fish skin, swim bladder and cartilage.
Through careful selection of warm-water bred species and an innovative manufacturing technology, EANOVA-COLLTM collagens possess a thermal stability comparable to that of mammalian collagens.
The molecular weight of the EANOVA-COLLTM collagens is above 300 000.
The new range includes collagen types I and II. Type II is extracted from freshwater fish cartilage, while type I is produced from freshwater fish skin and swim bladder.
Researchers can choose between pepsin- and acid-solubilised collagen type I, both of which are available in higher and lower concentration, suitable for preparation of strong, transparent gels and coatings respectively.
Collagen type II solution can be applied as a dried and reconstituted substratum, or, in combination with collagen type I, as a gel matrix.
In contrast to collagens of mammalian origin, the sterile collagen solutions offered by EANOVA-COLL can not be carriers of such pathogens as BSA or FMD.
The manufacturing technology utilises by-products of food processing, thus following ethical guidelines as no animals are raised specifically as a source of collagen. Further, the technology was designed with special consideration for the ecological aspect.