The Metrohm Academy will be hosting the 1st Global User Meeting Ion Chromatography in Switzerland next month.
The programme and list of speakers has now been released for the event, which will be held at Metrohm International Headquarters in Herisau from October 21 through 23, 2013.
Presentations include:
- Prof. Maria Balcerzak, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland: ’Fluorides in complex matrices and challenging problems to IC methods’
- Mr. Miguel Espinosa, Gomensoro S.A., Madrid, Spain: ’RadioIon Chromatography – Science helping people’
- Dr. Veronika Meyer, EMPA, St. Gallen, Switzerland: ’Standard deviations and calibration functions – are they reliable?’
- Prof. Rajmund Michalski, Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Science, Zabrze, Poland: ’State of the art and recent developments of ion chromatography for the determination of inorganic disinfectants by-products’
- Dr. Francisco Casado Moreno, Miteni Spa, Trissino, Italy: ’Ion chromatography as an essential tool for the fine chemical industry’
- Dr. Roberto Marcos Perchin, ELGA LabWater, United Kingdom: TBA
- Dr. Alexander Ruderisch, AGROLAB GmbH, Bruckberg, Germany: ’Who likes to go through the roof?’ - Analysis of perchlorate in water samples by ion chromatography’
- Dr. Marwaha Satwinder Singh, Punjab Biotechnology Incubator, Punjab, India: ’Quality and Safety status of Ground Water and Surface Water in Punjab’
- Dr. Margit Schwikowski, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland: TBA
Participation in the semiar is free, with registration still open.